Hole in floor though theres nothing there it s a flat surface in a house.
Multiverse hole in floor.
In that one only anti abortion billboards.
All done from the top side.
The big bang theory black holes dark.
Once you have passed through the archway your center of gravity shifts.
It corresponds to a process of decreasing entropy whereas that of a black hole is increasing entropy which is extremely unlikely but not impossible.
If anyone has any kinda clue please let me know soon.
We show every step to repair a big hole in the subfloor.
The evolution of a white hole forward in time is the time reversal of the evolution of a black hole forward in time equivalently it is as though a black hole were evolving backward in time.
There s an archway nearby and you decide to cautiously inch its way.
The only way we have found to temp fix it is to go to spawn then use the warp back to that town.
I pretend it s like the sponge theory of the multiverse.
We removed an old chimney and that l.
Before we left i mentioned slipping into the fertility clinic floor of the hospital to donate sperm and to make a quick buck.
It s as if gravity changed when you entered.
To you it was a doorway but to the other side it was a hole in the floor.
The idea centers on how matter and energy falling into a blackhole could in theory come out a white hole.
In this world they only have hybrid cars with license plates reading cvk 788.
Then if you try to get them out with tphere it ll say error.
Our universe might have originated from a black hole that lies within another universe.
You couldn t wrap your mind around it.
It s pretty easy when you know how.