An active roofing contractor performing any commercial roofing work must provide a certificate of insurance evidencing a minimum of 1 000 000 00 commercial general liability insurance in the form of a certificate of general liability.
Oklahoma roofing construction industries board.
To verify registered roofing contractors please visit the cib registered roofing contractors page.
Complete your ce to renew your ok roofing contractor license today.
We are approved with the oklahoma home inspector roofing division construction industries board to offer your continuing education online.
The mission of the construction industries board is to protect life and property by licensing and inspection of the related trades for the health safety and welfare of the public.
The certificate holder is the construction industries board.
To limit possible exposure to covid 19 the lobby is open by appointment only and limited to issues that cannot be conducted by phone email fax mail or drop off at the drop box outside the will rogers building.
To fill a search field please use an asterisk at the end of the entered data for unknown characters or for surnames.
The construction industries board is a self funded non appropriated agency that regulates.
Construction industries board oklahoma city oklahoma.
When you work in specific skilled industries in the state of oklahoma you have to take some steps to keep yourself covered.