Jesus was impressed by the faith of these.
Opened roof to get friend before jesus.
It is a faith that takes great risks because of love.
Then they tore up the roof tiling and saw where jesus stood.
3 and they come unto him bringing one sick of the palsy which was borne of four.
They lowered their friend down to the place where jesus was.
Jesus heals the man telling him to rise and take up his bed.
And it was noised that he was in the house.
Since they were unable to get to jesus through the crowd they uncovered the roof above him made an opening and lowered the paralytic on his mat.
Since they were unable to get to jesus through the crowd they uncovered the roof above him made an opening and lowered the paralytic on his mat.
They were going to get their friend to jesus.
Berean literal bible and not being able to come near to him on account of the crowd they removed the roof where he was and having broken it up they let down the pallet on which the paralytic was lying.
When the crowd had refused to make way for them to pass the four friends carried the man up on the flat roof of the house.
These friends were not going to be denied.
Such was their love for their friend and confidence in jesus power and willingness to help that they would interrupt his discussions with the local theologians.
Their love concern effort and faith all cry out to jesus for help so jesus helps the man.
And he preached the word unto them.
Then they lowered the man on his mat right down in front of jesus.
It was a real commitment to dig into some stranger s roof and make a man sized hole in it.
I wonder how many of our friends need us to get our hands dirty taking risks to help them meet jesus.
This enabled the four men to carry their paralytic friend and his bed up to the rooftop without spilling him and without employing an elaborate ladder or block and tackle system.
2 and straightway many were gathered together insomuch that there was no room to receive them no not so much as about the door.
Seeing their faith jesus said to the paralyzed man my child your sins are forgiven let s focus on the phrase dug a hole through the roof.
They couldn t bring him to jesus because of the crowd so they dug a hole through the roof above his head.
This done they tied ropes about the bed on which the man lay and lowered the bed very carefully into the room before jesus.
This is a get your hands dirty digging through the roof kind of faith.
Treasury of scripture and when they could not find by what way they might bring him in because of the multitude they went on the housetop and let him down through the tiling with his couch into the middle before jesus.
The friends climbed up an outside staircase and dug a hole through the roof.
Remember also that a first century home had an outside staircase up to the flat roof.
When the man s friends carried him to the house where jesus was staying they found the house to be packed with people wanting to hear jesus and be healed by him.